
A permanent round table between Pd Lazio and Regione Lazio regarding Jobs (November 15th, 2015)

Di 15 Novembre 2015News


The permanent round table between Pd Lazio and Lucia Valente, Lazio Region’s Deputy Governor for Jobs, is now to go

(text also available in Italian, testo disponibile anche in italiano)
The table identified and planned the first three following joint actions

1. Jobs information booklet

The first initiative involves the publication of an information booklet concerning the “New tools for access to employment” that will illustrates, among others, the following topics:

  1. Apprenticeship
  2. Youth guarantee
  3. Raising employee’s protection
  4. Active labour policies

The vademecum will be addressed to:

  • unemployed and young people with no work experience,
  • enterprise,
  • students.

It will be a quick easy-to-read guide, to raise awareness of the opportunities and the tools available in Lazio Region for a better access or re-entry into the workforce, after the promulgation of the national “Jobs Act”.
The booklet will be completed by 31st December 2015.

2. Communication campaign

In January 2016 a communication campaign on “New tools for access to employment” in Lazio will be conducted also to spread the contents of the “Jobs information booklet”.
The campaign will begin with a public event organized jointly by the PD Lazio “Labour Commission” and Regione Lazio and it will use both web and social channels and press releases.

3. Information sessions for enterprise, schools, public institutions, trade unions

A series of public meetings on the theme “New tools for access to employment in Lazio” will be organized in February 2016 with the help of the experts of “Movimento Forense” – a layer’s association – also to spread the contents of the booklet.

See also

Democratic Party of Lazio
